Reviews Continued

Don't just take our word for our outstanding service!

Here are reviews from Podiatrists we work for:

"Lapierre Podiatry Billing Service has handled our patient billing for over 15 years. We are genuinely pleased with their knowledge and attention to every detail, as well as the speed and accuracy of their work. LPBS staff is very accessible, so both our staff and our patients get prompt answers to insurance and statement questions. Using LPBS has increased our company earnings. I praise their management and communication skills and am confident in recommending their services to you."

Dr. Gary Hosey and Staff


"Lapierre Podiatric Billing Service has been doing my billing for over 20 years. Since they started, I have never had to worry about delinquent balances and the cash flow has always been there and steady."

Dr. Milton Stern


"Having been in practice over 50 years, I have run the gamut of doing house billing and utilizing multiple billing services that promise the world. What I have found with Lapierre Billing is that they not only deliver the most professional and competent results i have ever had...but they have integrated the understanding, compassion and teamwork that makes my practice function in this unsettling insurance environment. Caren has reduced the daily stress factor of finances and cash flow by her extraordinary knowledge, expertise and continued thirst to expand her podiatric acumen. My only regret is that I didn't find Lapierre Billing sooner. I not only recommend their services, I encourage you to make the change now."

Dr. Stuart Kirschenbaum